Import functional data in almost any major neuroimaging data format

  • Nifti 3D and 4D (.nii)
  • DICOM (.dcm , .dic, .ima)
  • Analyze (.img + .hdr)
  • BrainVoyager(.stc)
  • AFNI (.Brik)
  • Donders Real time fMRI (samples)
  • Matlab (.mat) [Voxels x Scans]

Import t-maps, contrast maps, and beta maps

In case you need to, you can also import t-maps, beta maps and contrast maps. Currently support data formats are:
  • Nifti 3D (.nii)
  • DICOM (.dcm , .dic, .ima)
  • Analyze (.img + .hdr)
  • BrainVoyager(.stc)

Import anatomical data in almost any major neuroimaging data format

Currently supported data formats are:
  • Nifti 3D (.nii)
  • DICOM (.dcm , .dic, .ima)
  • Analyze (.img + .hdr)
  • BrainVoyager(.stc)

View slice data in 6 different orientations

Currently we support the following views:
  • Sagittal
  • Coronal
  • Axial
  • Scaled Image (Imagesc)
  • 3D Orthogonal (Work in progress..)
  • 3D Rendered (Work in progress..)

View slice data in many different color maps and change display brightness and contrast

Currently supported color maps are:
  • Jet
  • IsoL
  • ESA
  • CubicL
  • HSV
  • Hot
  • Fire
  • Cool
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • Gray
  • Bone
  • Copper
  • Pink
  • Maximally Distinct
  • Color Brewer Set1
  • Color Brewer Set2
  • Color Brewer Set3
  • Color Brewer Paired
  • Color Brewer Accent
  • Color Brewer Dark
  • Color Brewer Pastel

Play a movie of all your functional scans

This feature can be very helpful in assessing spikes or sudden movements made by subjects. Other softwares only allow you to play movies of DICOMs but Analyze4D can play movies of any major neuroimaging data format.

Use intuitive zoom and pan to home in on a particular brain region or voxel

Use interactive zoom and pan to easily reach your voxel of interest. Save the current view and reload it any time. Reset the view and go back to the default view.

Perform region of interest (ROI) analysis

Currently you can choose region of interest in three different ways:
  • Rectangular
  • Polygon
  • One Voxel at a time
  • Circular (work in progress...)
  • Free Hand closed polygon (work in progress...)

Apply sophisticated masks during ROI analysis

Overlaying a mask over functional data can be useful in guiding you to pick the right voxels for ROI analysis. Using this option you can overlay greymatter, white matter, CSF mask or any combination of many masks onto your functional data.

Apply thresholding to the mask

Use a slider to interactively change mask threshold from 0 to 1 and see the effect in real time.

Apply Anatomical Automatic Labeling (AAL) mask to accurately perform ROI analysis on a particular anatomical region in the brain

Using AAL mask you can localize a particular brain region and confine ROI analysis to that particular region. Currently we have defined 116 brain regions. You can select any combination of these 116 regions to mask the functional data.

Overlay design matrix over voxel time courses

Just viewing voxel time course alone is not enough. You need to overlay your experimental design over these voxel time courses to see if the experimental manipulation is eliciting the right voxel response. Analyze4D lets you input your design matrix and overlay it onto the voxel time courses in a very intuitive way. You can add offset to the design matrix, add a new condition, delete a condition and delete all conditions. You input the design matrix in SPM style by specifying the onsets and duration for each condition.

Detrend the voxel time courses before plotting them

This option can be useful when you are doing ROI time course analysis on completely raw data. This option lets you detrend and filter the time course of each voxel before averaging and displaying the average. This prevent any bias in the time course due to scanner drifts.

Measure any point on the voxel time courses using intuitive dual cursors

Analyze4D allows you to measure the x and y coordinates of two cursors which can be moved to any location on time course. This lets you to easily measure the peak values if need be.

Intuitively zoom and pan the voxel time course

This option can be handy when you have a very long voxel time course (in other words you have too many scans). You can interactively zoom and pan to clearly see the voxel time course.

Import motion regressors, plot them and assess if there is any task related motion

You can import motion regressors in SPM style of as a Matlab structure and plot them. You can interact with them by turning any f the 6 motion regressors on or off. This lets you easily assess if there is any task related motion in your paradigm and if there is, in which direction.

Plot subtraction images to assess motion between two consecutive scans

Subtracting one EPI scan from the very next scan can be a very useful way of assessing motion between consecutive scans. The more motion there is, the more

Request new feature that can help you in your particular analysis

And most important of all, if all this does not fulfill your requirements, then you can request new features-toggle and we will implement it for you, free of cost.